DO you already know what is reasonable and healthy, but you need accountability and encouragement? Do you feel alone?
Do you need some practical tools and tricks to make eating healthier easier?
Do you want to stop nit-picking about every item of food you eat AND eat healthier because you know nightly OREOS are not a vitamin.
!HELP can help!
- Doctor-approved if you are taking medications that need to be adjusted if you change your diet. Please ask your doctor if you are not sure.
Safe - Does not involve fasting for > 23 hours or are having this monitored by a healthcare professional.
You understand the plan you have selected. If you don’t, then pick another plan that is simpler and easier to understand. If the plan has one million rules, I suggest you pick another plan. KEEP IT SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND. - Likely to do forever. If it is a diet that you intend to stop after you lose weight, pick another plan.
Why do you need HELP?
Even though you understand the WHAT to do, you have a heck of a time DOING it.
Old habits, beliefs and desires get in the way. This is normal and also why getting !HELP helps!
You know you need some accountability. Most people need some accountability!
You don’t like sitting in groups. You’re a “camera-off” zoom person.
No group here. It’s just you, me …and sometimes my dog.
How can I !HELP ?
I will partner with you as a coach!
- Accountability
Highest accountability of any program that I know of. (Let me know if you find something else at this price.) - Ideas and Tips for healthier eating.
- How to eat healthier when your family eats a lot of junk foods.
- Fast and Easy methodology to not needing to food plan.
- Appliance and grocery store hacks
- Coaching – I have formal professional coach training, which means I am not here as your guru or motivational speaker. I have the tools and skills to help you make some real changes.
How to monitor and track to save you from mindless eating - Mindful eating – no meditation required
- Getting through hard parts. There are always the hard parts.
This program is NOT appropriate for you, IF…
- If you suspect you have an eating disorder like anorexia nervosa, bulemia nervosa or binge eatins disorder. You must see see your healthcare provider.
- If you are taking medications or have a medical condition that is sensitive to the kind of foods you eat or the number of carbs you eat. YOU MUST CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR and clear your eating plan.
Some of these medication include (Insulin, G…) - If you are hoping for medical advice, or specific advice about how to do keto, low carb. NOPE. Sorry, this is not the program for you. This is not a diet advice program. Please hire a dietitian or ask your healthcare provider.
Why isn’t this covered by OHIP?
These are not medical services. This is not therapy.
I am not offering medical or therapeutic advice. Please see your own healthcare provider.
I am using my PROFESSIONAL COACHING skills so that you can use your strengths and resources to do what you want in your heart.
I will not offer advice on your diet either other than obvious stuff that you could probably google. You already know that an apple is better than a chocolate bar even though they are both “EVIL CARBS.” (mwhahahahahaha)
I have always struggled with eating, and haven’t had great experiences when trying to ask for help. Dr. Hong was the complete opposite of anyone I have seen.
Dr. Hong focuses on tools for success, helping with strategies to achieve goals. She really listened to what I was saying and tailored the process to make it successful for me.
It has been 10 months, I see a huge difference in myself. Not only in the way I see and approach food, but also in my everyday behaviours. I am so thankful that I was able to see Dr. Hong and so grateful to finally receive the help I needed.
Who is this for?
You’re fairly confident on your plan but you just need a renewal of your efforts. A boost. A little reminder getting your health living habits back on line. You have enough experience to know that you might not do this on your own if you don’t make a real commitment.
Perfect for post holidays or when you are just need a little support in your corner.
Who is this for?
You’ve noticed you have been drifting on your plan for a few weeks. Its starting to feeling a little hard and you keep thinking “I’ll start again Monday.” You know what to do but just can’t seem to overcome that hump of inertia.
You know if you wait longer, it’ll get harder. Nip this in the bud. Ask for the help you need.
Who is this for?
You’ve been drifting away from your plan for longer than you’d like to know. You’re diet shopping and looking for the next miracle – the newest scientific discovery of the solution to weight. Something fast. Something easy. You know about healthy eating, you have a reasonable plan and now you’re procrastinating.
You know that you will have the best chance if you get a higher level of support for now.
* All levels include Accountability, Support, Encouragement, Strategy Check ins Twice A Week.
You read that right, Twice A Week!!

!Help Workbook: Coaching tools for sustained weight loss
You will get an exclusive copy of this workbook! Tips, tools and coaching prompts to help you with cravings, stress eating and after dinner eating!
Learn how to effectively use and evaluate your own food journal!
Tools and tips that will help you for life!
$ 750
Package4 weeks duration
6 Emails
ONE BONUS CALL | up to 30 mins
Workbook included
$ 1450
Package8 weeks duration
12 Emails
TWO BONUS CALLS | up to 30 mins
Workbook included
$ 2100
Package12 weeks duration
18 Emails
THREE BONUS CALLS | up to 30 mins
Workbook included
How does this work?
Over the course of the weeks, you will have Dr.Hong’s support through email!
Emails will include coaching prompts, tips, and most importantly, the accountability you need.
I am a retired 72 year old woman who has struggled with extreme dieting for most of my life. I had feelings of guilt, shame and failure that negatively impacted every area of my life. I tried so many diets that ultimately circled back to more weight gain.
Dr Hong’s program is not another Diet Plan. It is a journey. The journey encourages and supports
an exploration. That exploration allows you to come to an understanding of your behaviors and gives you the tools to make permanent changes.
Thanks to Dr Hong’s program I have achieved and maintained a healthy weight and ended the stress of my battle with food. Thank you Dr Hong.
I’m IN! What next?
If you’re one of my patients, you can request the registration link.
If you are new to, click the link for a discovery call.
I know there are plenty of people who are happy to take your money first, but we need to speak with me personally to see if this is the right for you.
Why won’t you provide a diet?
You will learn a philosophy about eating and staying on your plan that will make it easy for you to make a decision without having to ask an “expert” every time you come across a new food item.
Even if you intellectually believe one diet is healthier than another for you, is that enough for you to actually stay on it forever? Probably not. That’s why you are reading this!
The coaching philosophy is is that YOU are the expert of YOU. I believe this to be true about what you know about that strategy is right for you and what you know deep down you can sustain with some support and work.
That being said, if there are some suggestions to grocery offerings that might be helpful, I’ll certainly share.
What’s in the workbook?
You’ll receive a collection of essays that will help you shift your mindset from being on another diet to just eating healthier as a choice.
The workbook will aslo contain a series of worksheets, self reflections and strategies – years of accumulated wisdom and evidence-based strategies!
Do you offer refunds?
Nope. If you are buying this for a guarantee of weight loss or a magical way for you to make changes that feel easy, then I have a bridge to sell you…
Change is hard and feels a whole load of hard sometimes.
What is worth the change for you?
Why are personal phone calls a bonus? Do I have to take them?
The emails and texting accountability might be just what you need to keep or get you to the point you can do it yourself. The calls are purely an extra offering. Maybe you want to clarify a strategy? Maybe you like the personal nature of a phone call?
What if I don’t use up all the emails during the time?
The emails should be spaced out so that you make the maximum use of them. You will have a 2 week grace period at the end of the session.
The Fine Print
!HELP program is a coaching program. This is not a medical program and participation does not constitute a physician-patient relationship.
Details and pricing found in enrollment forms. Terms and conditions will apply.